Judge dreads Obama re-election

A judge in Texas is predicting a Civil War if Obama is re-elected. This guy is just plain nuts.  Unfortunately there are people that believe what he’s saying and share his opinions.  No one got this crazy when Bush Jr was up for re-election.  A dictator?  Really?  Come off it.  It’s scary to think that this guy holds some supreme power and a great deal of influence over people’s lives.  He’s a judge! 

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/texas-judge-warns-possible-civil-war-president-obama-230545603.html

Brendan Spaar contributed to this article

Nintendo Power to halt publication later this year

I am sad to see one magazine that I used to read as a boy cease publication.  I have more than 31 issues of this iconic magazine including the first one.  My name even appeared in a few magazines in their High Scores section.  The final issue is one that I will be sure to pick up as soon as it goes on sale.

Gamers of a certain age likely remember the days when their main fix of information about new and upcoming video games came in the form of the monthly Nintendo Power magazine that was delivered directly to their mailbox. That experience is set to become yet another relic of a past era, as Ars Technica has learned that Future Publishing is planning to stop publishing the magazine.

Source: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/08/source-nintendo-power-magazine-to-cease-publication/

Brendan Spaar likes to post photos on the internet.

Who is Google afraid of?

This makes perfect sense.  The internet is becoming a social marketplace.  With Amazon selling a tablet preloaded with their website, you don’t need to go anywhere else to buy things.  That’s going to hurt Google’s Ad Words.  Most websites buy advertising on Google to get their site to the top of the pagerank.  Without Ad revenue, Google search is bust.  Granted they’ll still make a lot of money off of their mobile operating system and other ventures but at the core, Google is still about search.

What Googlers worry about in private is a growing trend among consumers to skip Google altogether, and to just go ahead and search for the product they would like to buy on Amazon.com, or, on mobile in an Amazon app. 

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/forget-apple-forget-facebook-heres-184209532.html

RIP Frank Trapani, co-owner of Frankie & Johnny’s Furniture

I can’t believe my eyes!  I was just sent an article from WWL in New Orleans announcing the passing of a TV commercial legend.  If you grew up in the NOLA area in the 90s, you’ll remember the bizzar F&J commercials featuring their “Special Man.”  This guy in a stetson hat holding a cigar would tell people with bad credit that they were approved for financing by saying these magic words “Let ’em have it!” (or leeumhabbit…he kind of slurred his words).  Conan O’Brien found these commercials last year and featured them on his show.  Brendan Spaar is sad to see this icon pass.  It was just a few years ago that we lost the Special Man.  Things aren’t going to be the same.


Source: http://www.wwltv.com/news/local/Frank-Trapani-furniture-store-owner–co-star-of-Special-Man-commercials-dies-at-83-163182916.html

New links from Diigo

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Fast Food Nation

I saw this today and have to say that CEO’s are entitled to their own opinions. So far I haven’t seen any employee preaching their CEO’s beliefs when taking your order. I ate at a Chick-Fil-A near Alpharetta over the weekend and the service was great. My waitress was friendly and never once pushed an anti-gay agenda on me. I think people need to calm down and take these comments with a grain of salt. No one likes it with the Hollywood Liberals speak out so the same should be true of CEO Conservatives. I am Brendan Spaar and I approve this message.

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/chick-fil-a-papa-johns-and-in-n-out-burger-spare-us-your-fast-food-righteousness/2012/08/13/aada7d26-e554-11e1-8f62-58260e3940a0_story.html?tid=pm_local_pop